The Secret Garden

Welcome to my Secret Garden.

The Secret Garden is something full of the magic and healing I’ve found in my own life. When I was a child, I fell in love with books – especially a book called The Secret Garden. First published in 1911, the story shows how a magical garden transforms a spoiled child into a force of Nature, freeing her, her uncle and her cousin from lives weighed down by encrusted stories, patterns and beliefs.

This Secret Garden offers new life. We don’t need to be adults forever. We in our innocence can be freed into our lives once again.

In this Secret Garden you’ll find treasures with leads to more. It’s full of what I’m learning about that elusive playful, rich, deep, life that opens when we shed worn-out beliefs, invite real life into our perspective and open to learning new things.

Look for tips and leads on living healthy without endless workshops, trainings and therapy. You’ll discover your physiology can support you in so many ways. Working with your body and your voice – you’ll learn to really grow roots in what Nature has provided. You’ll develop a perspective that draws on real meaning and restores you in your humanness to the spark of life that animates you.

You can abandon beliefs that position you as threatened by Nature and a victim of life. 

This world is harsh, foolish, cruel. But within it are sparkles of new life, replanted in what Nature and real life, intended. So much is happening. We can be part of the REGENERATION.

The Secret Garden Blogs

FEAR: A BIG Phantom That Paralyzes

Unforgiveness Undermines Your Trustworthiness

Leadership and Identity

Now We’re Adults. Whatever Happened?

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More Reviews

Barbara Phillips is brilliant. She is incredibly insightful not simply in spotting surface issue nor those that lie beneath the surface, but in rooting out the deeply subconscious, artfully camouflaged, locked away issues that are key to transformational outcomes. She is gentle, kind and articulate and possesses uncanny accuracy and limitless courage. She has had a profound impact on thousands. May you be fortunate enough to be one of them.

Kenneth Cloke
Co-founder and first president, Mediators Beyond Borders

I was grateful for my session with Barbara, the exercise was simple and powerful. After completing the session I discovered I had completely released a fear I had carried most of my life. Since then I notice each time I encounter a moment that would have in the past left me with pounding heart and sudden fear, I just smile knowing I am safe and I never need to go down that road again.

Sharon U

My plan was to do a session with Barbara around money patterns, yet what was strongly present in me at the time we met was inner sadness and difficulty in my relationship. In my session, I saw that when I was 8, I’d vowed I’d get my broken family back together again. And, I failed. With Barbara, I could see how judging myself a failure as a child colored my work and my relationship into present time.

In the coaching session I experienced a profound shift…all in 40 min! I felt different, lighter, lots of energy moving in my 1st and 2nd chakras, and a sense of connectedness that is contributing to great results in my business and a refreshing assurance in my personal life.

Loral Holm
Real estate agent

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